First Flag Fuling in Independent India 15th August 1947

Waiting for Panditji
 When India got Freedom, The tri colour flag got the chance to show in public for the first time with no fear

People were eagerly waiting to see their first Prime Minister of Indian Origin - Panditji as they called then.  Later Jawahar lal Nehru got thr nick name of Chacha Nehru exhibiting thr affection of kids - young indians.

Mount Baton

The British Governor General Mount Baton saluted the flag of free India. The role of Mount Baton was equally importsant in the initial days. Friendship of Indian Prime Minister Nehru with this couple remained talk of red wine for decades later on.

President House 1947
At last Indians got the possion of this presitigeous building which was later called Rastrapati Bhavan.

Times of India Front Page
The press  got the opportunity to make rare eight column headline  to declare that the country was free.